Quick tips on delivering your pitch
Now that you’ve built your sales deck, it’s time to practice using it to deliver your pitch. A few tips to keep in mind:
⚡️ Keep it short!
Aim to keep your pitch no longer than 15 minutes, and take every opportunity to engage the prospect throughout so that it’s not just you talking.
🌏 Stay high-level
You don’t want to go in-depth about specifics. Focus on the value.
😅 Practice & be prepared
If you’re doing a live demo after your pitch, make sure your demo account is pulled up in a different window so you can easily segue from slides to the demo
✍🏿Tailor your pitch
Always edit the slides before your presentation to make it tailored to your audience
✅ Set next steps
End with mutually agreed to next steps. This might include scheduling another call, instructions for getting set up with a trial, or any internal processes the customer needs to complete (legal review, security questionnaire, etc.)
🤝 Follow up
If sending the deck as a follow-up, consider adding the next steps you agreed to and any additional information you learned.